Environmental Pollution in Bangladesh Paragraph

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Environmental Pollution in Bangladesh Paragraph

Environmental Pollution

Environmental Pollution in Bangladesh

Welcome, dear reader! Today, we will discuss an important passage that is called Environmental Pollution. Many of you have asked about Environmental Pollution in Bangladesh paragraph and we are glad to inform you that we have prepared one just for you.

Bangladesh is now apparently in the grip of all sorts of pollution like air pollution, soil pollution & water pollution. City dwellers are the most affected by this type of pollution. Indiscriminate industrialization processes have caused significant environmental problems in Bangladesh over the past few decades. Now, We will know about some of the most common types of environmental pollution in Bangladesh.

Air Pollution
Air pollution comes from a wide variety of sources. Some of the main sources of air pollution in Bangladesh are industrial factories, brick kilns, toxic emissions from old or poorly maintained vehicles, and dust from roads and construction sites.

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Picture Source: wikipedia

We can reduce this type of pollution by using fewer motor vehicles and avoiding vehicles older than 20 years. We may also use proper lubricants to lessen the level of emissions and pollutants. We can encourage people to use Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) or Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) for fueling their cars. The government may relocate hazardous industries like brick kilns to areas away from human habitation.

Water Pollution
Water pollution can occur in oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, and groundwater. As different water sources flow together, pollution spreads easily and quickly. Causes of water pollution include:

  • increased sediment from soil
  • erosion
  • improper waste disposal and littering
  • leakage of soil pollution into water supplies
  • organic materials that decay in water supplies etc.
Water Pollution: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Picture Source: tiredearth.com

In fact, polluting the land means polluting the water. Dumping a toxic substance into the ground near a water body means it eventually reaches the water body. As a result, the water is polluted. Industrial wastes must not be disposed in rivers or lakes. We also need to be more careful about household waste disposal. Using pesticides means that when it rains on the lawn or garden, the chemicals are washed away.  So, we need to be aware of the dangers of using pesticides as they can pollute our rivers, canals and lakes.

Soil Pollution
One of the most significant causes of soil pollution is the huge amount of industrial waste that is being generated every day but is not disposed of properly. Mismanagement of household waste, especially polythene shopping bags, poses a serious threat to soil and drainage systems. Another cause for soil pollution is the use of agricultural pesticides, fertilizers etc. Sometimes fuel leaks from automobiles can wash into the rain and mix with nearby soil.

polluted soil senegal
Picture Source: fao.org

Pesticides and fertilizers are useful for plant growth but their excessive use has led to soil pollution. Natural fertilizers and compost can be used instead of chemical alternatives. Another way to reduce and control soil pollution is recycling. Recycling papers, plastics and other materials reduce the volume of refuse in landfills. Deforestation causes topsoil erosion, pollution and loss of fertility. Planting trees and reforestation help prevent soil erosion and pollution.



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