Garments Quality & Garment Quality Control Checklist

Garments Quality & Garment Quality Control Checklist
Garments Quality & Garment Quality Control Checklist
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Garments Quality & Garment Quality Control Checklist

Garment Quality and Garment Quality Control Checklist

Many of us don’t know about the Garments Quality. So today’s post is going to be the best post for those who want to know about Garments Quality Standards. Garment jobs are a demanding profession these days. So knowing about garments will ensure your job to a great extent.

What is Garments quality?

The term “quality” means quality products or materials. It is imperative that every product has quality, because nothing is worth anything without good quality.


Garment quality refers to maintaining the quality of the product according to the buyer’s demand. To deliver quality products to the customer at the right time at the right price according to the buyer’s demand is called simply quality.

Quality in the apparel industry refers to products free from spotted defects, stitching defects, fabric defects, sizing defects, color and stripe defects, cutting defects, etc.

Garments quality কাকে বলে?

কোয়ালিটি শব্দের অর্থ গুণগত মান । গার্মেন্টস এ কোয়ালিটি বলতে বোঝায়  Buyer এর চাহিদার সাথে মিল রেখে পণ্যের মান বজায় রাখা । ক্রেতার চাহিদা মোতাবেক পণ্যের গুণগত মান ঠিক রেখে সঠিক সময় সঠিক মূল্যে ক্রেতার কাছে পৌঁছে দেওয়াই হচ্ছে কোয়ালিটি।

Quality control policy

  • To ensure the highest quality,
  • Ensuring timely delivery of goods,
  • Safe and legal supply of goods

Quality Management or Control System or Garment Quality Control Checklist

  • Well organized, neat and clean QC work station (Sewing)
  • Well organized, neat and clean QC work station (Finishing)
  • Quality inspector trained in clock wise inspection procedures
  • Clockwise method work instructions and photos posted at each QC work station
  • Defective digital images posted at each QC work station
  • Standard Inspection Time (SIT): Adequate number of quality inspectors assigned to evaluate by factory IE and QA team and verified by buyer.
  • PPM and PP comments are posted with approved samples sealed and signed by Factory Technical / QA team.
  • Documented validation of random quality inspectors by QA supervisors on daily basis
  • Quality inspectors are not using scissors to cut threads
  • Effective daily QC meetings with actual root cause identification to take corrective action where manufacturing and mechanics are required to present
  • Effective weekly QC meetings attended by production and mechanics to identify actual root causes and take corrective action.
  • Posted last day performance at EOL with top 3 defects, poor operator and poor-quality inspector
  • Effective EOL/ process inspection report including operator and operation
  • Post last week’s performance at EOL with top 3 errors and review improvements
  • Adequate number of DQAs (minimum 2 DQAs from private factories)
  • DQA effectively conducted daily pack audit and pre-final inspection in Walmart format
  • 100% metal scanning of sample drawn by metal detector during DQA pre-final/pack audit
  • Restructuring and job description with appropriate activities for Quality Management (Quality Inspector to QA Head).
  • Training material based on job description (e.g. video presentations/clips, error acquisition and projectors)
  • Job descriptions must be shared with all employees and records of recognition must be kept in personal files
  • Proficiency test of quality inspectors to check strength (conducted at least three times a year by the factory).
  • Training schedule based on skill test for those who did not score up to 70% in skill test
  • Effective in Roaming QC inspection records / TLS implementation
  • QC work stations are uncrowded and have adequate space for garment inspection
  • Implementation of recruitment process with interview system and scheduled training for new quality inspectors and record keeping in personal files.
  • Verifies skills and competencies of experienced quality inspectors and supervisors and keeps records in personal files
  • Actual root cause is identified based on the results of actions taken in TLS/In Process/7PC inspection
  • Training of quality inspectors before starting a new style
  • Training of quality supervisors on their roles and responsibilities
Basic Concept of Quality

What is the definition of Quality in Garments?

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