What does an adverb describe?

Jabed Hossain

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Jabed Hossain

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An adverb is a part of speech that primarily describes or modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb. It provides additional information about how, when, where, or to what extent an action or state occurs. Adverbs often answer questions such as "how," "when," "where," "why," or "to what extent." 

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Here are a few examples: Modifying a verb: She ran quickly. In this sentence, the adverb "quickly" describes how she ran. It provides information about the manner or speed of the action.

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Modifying an adjective: He is extremely tall. Here, the adverb "extremely" describes the adjective "tall" and indicates the degree or extent of his height.

Modifying another adverb: They worked very efficiently. In this sentence, the adverb "very" modifies the adverb "efficiently" and intensifies the meaning of efficiency. It's important to note that while adverbs often end in "-ly," not all adverbs do. Some adverbs have irregular forms or don't end in "-ly" at all.

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