HSC পরীক্ষার্থীদের জন্য Graph/Chart লেখার সেরা পদ্ধতি 2024 | Graph chart writing format

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HSC পরীক্ষার্থীদের জন্য Graph/Chart লেখার সেরা পদ্ধতি ২০২৪ | Graph chart writing format

Graph/Chart লেখার সেরা পদ্ধতি | এক গ্রাফ চার্ট দিয়ে লিখুন আনলিমিটেড

প্রিয় ছাত্র-ছাত্রী বন্ধুরা, আপনারা যারা এইচএসসি পরীক্ষার্থী, বিশেষ করে 2024 সালের পরীক্ষার্থীদের জন্য, আজকের বিষয় হল গ্রাফ/চার্ট, আমি আশা করি এটি আপনার জন্য একটি দুর্দান্ত বিষয় হবে। তাই ভালো লাগলে অবশ্যই আপনার বন্ধুদের সাথে শেয়ার করবেন।

Graph & Chart লেখার নিয়ম – How to write Graph Chart

  • The above graph/chart is about “(This topic) “
    তারপর কত ধরনের ডাটা আছে সেটি উল্লেখ করে দিতে হবে।
  • There are 1/2/3/4(যত ধরনের দেওয়া থাকবে সেই সংখ্যাটি দিতে হবে) catagories of data in the graph/chart.
  • The graph/chart shows that the highest percentange/amount of (topic) is about (সর্বচ্চ পরিমান) where as the lowest one is about ( সর্বনিম্ন পরিমান)
  • There is found a close similarly of percentange of (topic) between (যে গুলোর একই পরিমান)
  • There is also found a gradual increasing / decreasing of ups & downs of percentage of (topic)
    এইগুলো দেওয়ার পর অবশ্যই নিজের মতামত ব্যাক্ত করতে হবে। তবে ২য় কোন প্যারা করে নয়। এই পার্সোনাল ভিউস যত ভালো হবে মার্ক ততো ভালো উঠবে।
  • The above graph/chart not only shows (topic) but also shows that (problem)
  • Though (topic) is an well position, it is not at all satisfactory level at all.
  • Govt. as well as we, the general mass should….
    এইটা জাস্ট লেখার নিয়মটা বলে দিলাম। আশাকরি কাজে দিবে।

What are tag questions and how do you use them?

HSC পরীক্ষার্থীদের জন্য Graph/Chart লেখার সেরা পদ্ধতি ২০২৪

Fill in the blanks for better understanding:

  • Subject (বিষয়টি এখানে উল্লেখ করবেন): Replace this with the specific topic of the chart. For example, “Literacy Rate in Bangladesh.”
  • Maximum rate (number/quantity/percentage) & year: Indicate the highest value and the year it occurred in the chart. For example, “80% in 2030.”
  • Minimum rate (amount) & per annum/বছরে: State the lowest value and whether it’s shown per year or as a total amount. For example, “50% in 2020 (per annum).”
  • Difference between highest and lowest rates: Calculate the difference between the highest and lowest values. For example, “30%.”

This Graph shows various information. It is very important for a developing country like Bangladesh. Results vary by graph statistic (subject বা বিষয়টি এখানে উল্লেখ করবেন).

From the graph, we can see that the maximum rate (number/quantity/percentage) is given in (year). On the other hand, the minimum rate (amount) (per annum বা বছরে).

There is a noticeable difference between the highest rate and the lowest rate. The difference between the highest and lowest rates is (the lowest minus the highest that I found বা সর্বোচ্চ নাম্বার থেকে সর্বনিম্ন নাম্বার বিয়োগ করলে যা পাওয়া যায়).

This difference is not as large as we expected. However, it affects our personal/social/socio-economic life. We can observe an increase/decrease in this graph (item বা পন্য বা বিষয়) from day to day. In fact, some experts say that this situation does not bode well for any developing country.

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So we should take some effective steps to improve this situation. It is gratifying that the government and many non-governmental organizations play an important role in this regard. Finally analyzing the survey, it can be said that the day is not far when every person will show positivity in this regard.

HSC পরীক্ষার্থীদের জন্য Graph/Chart লেখার সেরা পদ্ধতি ২০২৪

A shortcut Graph or Pie Chart For your Easy Understanding and you can also try this.

The graph shows how much Tasfia has spent on different activities. Usually, she spends most of her time in college, sleeping, and reading. She sleeps 25% of the total time and spends the same amount of time in school. Besides this, she likes to read stories, where she spends 20% of her time.

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She spends the least amount of time on food, which is only 6% of her time. Additionally, the graph shows that she spends 15% of her time on entertainment, 10% on housework, and 19% on sports. Therefore, it can be said that she spends most of her time on entertainment and sports, but less time on housework.

Graph/Chart লেখার সেরা পদ্ধতি ২০২৪ | Graph chart writing format

Here’s an example with filled-in information – Graph chart writing format

This graph chart can be a very informative tool, especially for a developing country like Bangladesh. This chart of Bangladesh’s literacy rate shows that the highest rate in 2030 is 80%. On the other hand, the lowest rate was 50% (annualized) in 2020. There is a noticeable difference of 30% between the highest and lowest rates.

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This difference, although not as great as we might expect, still affects our social and economic life. We can see the increase in literacy day by day in this graph. In fact, some experts say that this situation is a positive sign for the development of Bangladesh. So we have to take effective steps to increase the education rate. It is gratifying that the government and many non-governmental organizations play an important role in this regard. Finally analyzing the survey shows that the day is not far when majority of the population will be literate.

Graph/Chart লেখার সেরা পদ্ধতি ২০২৪ | Graph chart writing format

Here’s an another example with filled-in information:

Pie charts show various information. It is very important for a developing country like Bangladesh. Results vary by graph statistic (subject: Literacy Rate). From the graph, we can see that the maximum rate (74%) is given in (year) 2020. On the other hand, the minimum rate (38%) was recorded (per annum) in 1990. There is a noticeable difference between the highest rate and the lowest rate. The difference between the highest and lowest rates is (36%).

We can observe an increase in literacy rate in this graph from day to day. In fact, some experts say that this progress is good news for Bangladesh’s development. So we should continue these efforts to improve the situation further. It is gratifying that the government and many non-governmental organizations play an important role in this regard. Finally analyzing the survey, it can be said that the day is not far when Bangladesh will achieve high literacy rates.

 Reference :

এক গ্রাফ চার্ট দিয়ে লিখুন আনলিমিটেড





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