Resilient meaning in Bengali | Bangla Meaning | English word with bangla meaning

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Resilient meaning in Bengali | Bangla Meaning | Dictionary English to Bangla

English word meaning bangla – Resilient

Dear students and friends welcome to the library of words. I have brought for you today the Bangla Meaning of Resilient with synonyms and antonyms, I hope you will like it very much.

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Resilient meaning in Bengali & English

English word meaning bangla – Resilient

Meaning: Able to recover quickly from difficulties or setbacks, having the capacity to bounce back.

ri-zil-yuhnt (ri-ZIL-yuhnt)

Ubiquitous meaning in English | English to Bangla Meaning | English word with bangla meaning

Ephemeral meaning in Bengali| English word with bangla meaning

প্রাণবন্ত, স্থিতিস্থাপক, নমনীয়, প্রফুল্ল,

Example: Despite facing numerous challenges, she remained resilient and persevered towards her goals.

Synonyms: Tough, durable, tenacious.

Antonyms: Fragile, vulnerable, weak.

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Source: Google Translate / / Cambridge / Merriam-webster/

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