What is a pronoun and examples?

What is a pronoun and examples (1)
What is a pronoun and examples (1)
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What is a pronoun and examples?

What is pronoun?

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun or noun phrase in a sentence. It is used to avoid repetition and make conversation or writing more concise. Pronouns can refer to people, things, places, or ideas. Pronouns help prevent repeated use of a noun.

What is a pronoun and

Classification of pronoun

  • Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns refer to specific people or things. They are further classified into three categories:

Subject Pronoun: It is used as the subject of a sentence. Examples include “I,” “you,” “he,” “she,” “it,” “we,” and “they.” For example, “She is going to the store.”

Object Pronouns: Object pronouns take the place of objects in sentences. Examples include “I,” “you,” “she,” “her,” “it,” “our,” and “they.” For example, “John gave it to me.”

Possessive Pronoun: It shows ownership or possession. Examples include “my,” “your,” “his,” “his,” “his,” “our,” and “their.” For example, “The house is theirs.”

Relative pronouns

A relative pronoun refers to a noun or pronoun clause or phrase. These include “who,” “whom,” “whose,” “which,” and “that.” These are “who,” “whom,” “whose,” “which,” and “that.” These pronouns help provide additional information about the noun or pronoun.

Demonstrative pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns refer to specific people or things. They include “this,” “that,” “these,” and “those.” It refers to proximity or distance. For example, “This is my car.”

Indefinite pronouns

Indefinite pronouns refer to non-specific people or things. These include “anyone,” “anyone,” “everyone,” “nothing,” “everything,” and “all.” These pronouns are used when the exact identity of the noun is unknown or irrelevant. For example, “Someone called you.”

Interrogative pronouns

Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions. They include “who,” “whom,” “whose,” “which,” and “what.” This pronoun helps in gathering information. For example, “Whose bag is this?”

Subjective pronouns or Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive pronouns are used for the same subject and object in a sentence. It refers “themselves,” “themselves,” “themselves,” “themselves,” “themselves” and “themselves.” For example, “I hurt myself while gardening.”

Examples of every pronoun

  1. Personal Pronouns:
Subject PronounsObject PronounsPossessive Pronouns
I, you, he, she, it, we, theyme, you, him, her, it, us, themmine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs
  1. Relative Pronouns: who, whom, whose, which, that
  2. Demonstrative Pronouns: this, that, these, those

  3. Indefinite Pronouns: someone, anyone, everyone, nothing, everything, all

  4. Interrogative Pronouns: who, whom, whose, which, what

  5. Reflexive Pronouns: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves

What are the 10 types of pronoun?

Below are given details of 10 types of pronoun –

Classification of PronounExample
Personal Pronouns“I,” “you,” “he,” “she,” “it,” “we,” and “they.”
Demonstrative Pronouns“this,” “that,” “these,” and “those.”
Reflexive Pronouns“myself,” “yourself,” “himself,” “herself,” “itself,” “ourselves,” “yourselves,” and “themselves.”
Possessive Pronouns“mine,” “yours,” “his,” “hers,” “its,” “ours,” and “theirs.”
Interrogative Pronouns“who,” “whom,” “whose,” “which,” and “what.”
Relative Pronouns“who,” “whom,” “whose,” “which,” and “that.”
Indefinite Pronouns“everyone,” “someone,” “anyone,” “no one,” “something,” “anything,” “nothing,” “all,” “some,” “any,” “none,” and “each.”
Reciprocal Pronouns“each other” and “one another.”
Intensive Pronouns“myself,” “yourself,” “himself,” “herself,” “itself,” “ourselves,” “yourselves,” and “themselves.”
Relative Possessive Pronouns“whose” and “of which.”
Pronouns and it’s examples

What are the 12 pronouns – Example of 12 Pronouns?

Here are the 12 personal pronouns:

  • I
  • You
  • He
  • She
  • It
  • We
  • They
  • Me
  • Him
  • Her
  • Us
  • Them

What are 9 examples of pronouns?

Here are nine examples of pronouns:

  • I – “I am going to the store.”
  • You – “Can you pass me the book?”
  • He – “He is a talented musician.”
  • She – “She is studying for her exam.”
  • It – “The dog wagged its tail.”
  • We – “We are going on vacation together.”
  • They – “They won the game.”
  • Me – “She gave me a gift.”
  • Them – “I invited them to the party.”

What are 20 pronouns?

  • I
  • You
  • He
  • She
  • It
  • We
  • They
  • Me
  • Him
  • Her
  • Itself
  • Ourselves
  • Yourselves
  • Themselves
  • Myself
  • Yourself
  • Himself
  • Herself
  • Itself
  • Yourselves

What are 7 pronouns?

Pronoun NameRefers toExample
Personal pronounsrefer to specific people or things.I, you, he, she, it, we, they.
Demonstrative pronounsused to point to specific people or things.this, that, these, those.
Interrogative pronounsused to ask questions.who, whom, whose, which, what.
Relative pronounsused to introduce relative clauses that provide additional information about a noun.who, whom, whose, which, that.
Indefinite pronounsrefer to non-specific or unidentified people or things.everyone, someone, anyone, no one, something, anything, nothing, all, some, any, none, each.
Reflexive pronounsFormed by adding “-self” or “-selves” to definite personal pronouns and used when the subject and object of a sentence refer to the same person or thing.myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.
Intensive pronounssimilar to reflexive pronouns but are used to emphasize a noun or pronoun.myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself.

What are the 30 examples of pronouns?

What are 8 examples of personal pronouns?

You (plural)
I – I am going to the store.
You – You are my best friend.
He – He is a doctor.
She – She loves to sing.
It – The cat is sleeping. It looks so peaceful.
We – We are going to the park.
They – They are coming to the party tonight.
You (plural) – Are you all ready for the test?

What are the 100 common pronouns?

Make 15 choose the best answer about pronoun

  1. Which pronoun is used to refer to a non-specific person or thing?
    a. Personal pronoun
    b. Indefinite pronoun
    c. Demonstrative pronoun
    d. Relative pronoun

  2. What pronoun is used to connect a clause or phrase to a noun?
    a. Personal pronoun
    b. Indefinite pronoun
    c. Demonstrative pronoun
    d. Relative pronoun

  3. Which pronoun is used to ask questions?
    a. Personal pronoun
    b. Indefinite pronoun
    c. Demonstrative pronoun
    d. Interrogative pronoun

  4. Which pronoun indicates ownership or possession?
    a. Personal pronoun
    b. Indefinite pronoun
    c. Demonstrative pronoun
    d. Possessive pronoun

  5. What is the reflexive pronoun for the subject “I”?
    a. Myself
    b. Yourself
    c. Himself
    d. Herself

  6. Which pronoun is used to avoid repetition in a sentence?
    a. Personal pronoun
    b. Indefinite pronoun
    c. Demonstrative pronoun
    d. Reflexive pronoun

  7. What pronoun is used as the subject of a sentence?
    a. Personal pronoun
    b. Indefinite pronoun
    c. Demonstrative pronoun
    d. Relative pronoun

  8. Which pronoun points to specific people or things?
    a. Personal pronoun
    b. Indefinite pronoun
    c. Demonstrative pronoun
    d. Interrogative pronoun

  9. What pronoun is used when the subject and object of a sentence are the same?
    a. Personal pronoun
    b. Indefinite pronoun
    c. Demonstrative pronoun
    d. Reflexive pronoun

  10. What pronoun is used to refer to a specific person or thing?
    a. Personal pronoun
    b. Indefinite pronoun
    c. Demonstrative pronoun
    d. Relative pronoun

Remember, pronouns play an essential role in language by streamlining communication, avoiding repetitive use of nouns, and making sentences more concise and natural.



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