Abide Verb Forms – Past Tense, Past Participle & V1 V2 V3

Abide Verb Forms – Past Tense, Past Participle & V1 V2 V3
Abide Verb Forms – Past Tense, Past Participle & V1 V2 V3
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Abide Verb Forms – Past Tense, Past Participle & V1V2V3


  • Base Form (Infinitive):       Abide
  • Simple Past:   abode/abided
  • Past Participle:    abode/abided
  • Present Participle:     abiding
  • 3rd Person Singular:  abides


Abide verb forms v1 v2 v3 past tense and past participle


abide past tense


abode/abided is the past tense of the word abide


abide past participle



abode/abided is the past participle of the word abide


Buy verb forms V1 V2 V3 V4 V5


InfinitivePast SimplePast ParticiplePresent ParticipleS/es


Conjugation of abide

The verb “abide” is conjugated as follows in various tenses and forms:


**Present Simple Tense:

– I abide

– You abide

– He/she/it abides

– We abide

– They abide


**Past Simple Tense (V2):**

– I abode/abided

– You abode/abided

– He/she/it abode/abided

– We abode/abided

– They abode/abided


**Past Participle (V3):** abode/abided


**Present Continuous Tense:**

– I am abiding

– You are abiding

– He/she/it is abiding

– We are abiding

– They are abiding


**Past Continuous Tense:**

– I was abiding

– You were abiding

– He/she/it was abiding

– We were abiding

– They were abiding


**Present Perfect Tense:**

– I have abode/abided

– You have abode/abided

– He/she/it has abode/abided

– We have abode/abided

– They have abode/abided


**Past Perfect Tense:**

– I had abode/abided

– You had abode/abided

– He/she/it had abode/abided

– We had abode/abided

– They had abode/abided


**Future Simple Tense:**

– I will abide

– You will abide

– He/she/it will abide

– We will abide

– They will abide


**Future Continuous Tense:**

– I will be abiding

– You will be abiding

– He/she/it will be abiding

– We will be abiding

– They will be abiding


**Future Perfect Tense:**

– I will have abode/abided

– You will have abode/abided

– He/she/it will have abode/abided

– We will have abode/abided

– They will have abode/abided


These are the basic conjugations of the verb “abide” in various tenses and forms. Keep in mind that verb conjugations can vary slightly based on the subject and the specific tense.



To abide – Variation of “Abide” by Person

Present TenseI abideyou abidehe/she/it abideswe abideyou abidethey abide
Simple Past TenseI abode/abidedyou abode/abidedhe/she/it abode/abidedwe abode/abidedyou abode/abidedthey abode/abided
Present ParticipleI am abidingyou are abidinghe/she/it is abidingwe are abidingyou are abidingthey are abiding
Past ParticipleI/you/we/(s)he/it/they abode/abided


Synonym Words for abide

There are several synonyms for the word “abide,” depending on the context. Here are some synonyms for “abide”

  • Stay
  • Remain
  • Await
  • Hold on
  • Bear
  • Live by
  • Stand by
  • Stick to
  • Carry on
  • Dwell


Please note that the choice of synonym can depend on the specific context in which you want to use the word “abide.” Each synonym may have nuances and shades of meaning that make it more appropriate in certain situations.


Example Sentences with “abide” (abode/abided)

Here are ten example sentences using the word “abide” in different contexts:

  1. I will abide by the rules of the competition and play fairly.
  2. Despite the difficulties, he abided by his decision to pursue his dreams.
  3. The company has a strict code of conduct that all employees must abide by.
  4. As a responsible citizen, it is important to abide by the laws of the land.
  5. She abode by her promise to help her friend in times of need.
  6. The team abided by the coach’s instructions and executed the game plan perfectly.
  7. The residents of the community agreed to abide by the neighbourhood association’s regulations.
  8. We must abide by the terms and conditions outlined in the contract.
  9. The religious leader emphasized the importance of abiding by the teachings of their faith.
  10. Even in the face of adversity, he abided by his principles and never compromised his integrity.

These sentences showcase different ways in which “abide” can be used to express adherence, compliance, or steadfastness.


These sentences showcase different contexts in which “abide” and “abode/abided” can be used to describe various forms of abideth and development.

Conditional of “abide”

Here are the conditional forms of the verb “abide” in various tenses:


**Present Conditional:**

– I would abide

– You would abide

– He/she/it would abide

– We would abide

– They would abide


**Past Conditional:**

– I would have abode/abided

– You would have abode/abided

– He/she/it would have abode/abided

– We would have abode/abided

– They would have abode/abided


Please note that the conditional tense is used to express hypothetical situations or actions that are dependent on a condition or circumstance. The past conditional is often used to discuss unrealized or hypothetical actions in the past.


Conjugation of abide V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

Conjugation table: abide
Present Simple of abideIYouShe/He/It
Present Continuous of buyIYouShe/He/It
am abidingare abidingis abiding
are abidingare abidingare abiding
Present Perfect of buyIYouShe/He/It
have abode/abidedhave abode/abidedhas abode/abided
have abode/abidedhave abode/abidedhave abode/abided
Present Perfect Continuous of buyIYouShe/He/It
have been abidinghave been abidinghas been abiding
have been abidinghave been abidinghave been abiding
Past Simple of buyIYouShe/He/It
Past Continuous of buyIYouShe/He/It
was abidingwere  abidingwas abiding
were abidingwere abidingwere abiding
Past Perfect of buyIYouShe/He/It
had abode/abidedhadabode/abidedhad abode/abided
had abode/abidedhad abode/abidedhad abode/abided
Past Perfect Continuous of buyIYouShe/He/It
had been abidinghad been abidinghad been abiding
had been abidinghad been abidinghad been abiding
Future Simple of buyIYouShe/He/It
will/shall abidewill/shall abidewill/shall abide
will/shall abidewill/shall abidewill/shall abide
Future Continuous of buyIYouShe/He/It
will/shall be abidingwill/shall be abidingwill/shall be abiding
will/shall be abidingwill/shall be abidingwill/shall be abiding
Future Perfect of buyIYouShe/He/It
will/shall have abode/abidedwill/shall have abode/abidedwill/shall have abode/abided
will/shall have abode/abidedwill/shall have abode/abidedwill/shall have abode/abided
Future Perfect Continuous of buyIYouShe/He/It
will/shall have been abidingwill/shall have been abidingwill/shall have been abiding
will/shall have been abidingwill/shall have been abidingwill/shall have been abiding
Conditional Present of buyIYouShe/He/It
would  abidewould abidewould  abide
would abidewould abidewould  abide
Conditional Perfect of buyIYouShe/He/It
would have abode/abidedwould have abode/abidedwould have abode/abided
would have abode/abidedwould have abode/abidedwould have abode/abided
Conditional Present Continuous of buyIYouShe/He/It
would be abidingwould be abidingwould be abiding
would be abidingwould be abidingwould be abiding
Conditional Perfect Continuous of buyIYouShe/He/It
would have been abidingwould have been abidingwould have been abiding
would have been abidingwould have been abidingwould have been abiding
Present Subjunctive of buyIYouShe/He/It
Past Subjunctive of buyIYouShe/He/It
Past Perfect Subjunctive of buyIYouShe/He/It
had  abode/abidedhad  abode/abidedhad  abode/abided
had abode/abidedhad  abode/abidedhad  abode/abided
Imperative of abideIYouShe/He/It
Let’s abideabide


Opposite Words For “abide”

Here are some additional opposite words for “abide” along with their meanings:

Depart: To leave or go away from a place or situation.

Reject: To refuse to accept, comply with, or follow something.

Disregard: To ignore or pay no attention to something.

Disobey: To refuse to follow or comply with orders, instructions, or rules.

Resist: To actively oppose or refuse to comply with something.

Defy: To openly challenge or refuse to obey authority or rules.

Violate: To break or go against a law, rule, or principle.

Disown: To refuse to acknowledge or accept as one’s own.

Neglect: To fail to take care of or pay attention to something or someone.

Overstep: To exceed or go beyond the limits or boundaries set by rules or norms.

These opposite words reflect actions or attitudes that involve non-compliance, rebellion, or disregard for rules, principles, or expectations.



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