Grow Verb Forms – Past Tense, Past Participle & V1 V2 V3

Grow Verb Forms – Past Tense, Past Participle & V1 V2 V3
Grow Verb Forms – Past Tense, Past Participle & V1 V2 V3
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Grow Verb Forms – Past Tense, Past Participle & V1V2V3

  • Base Form (Infinitive): grow
  • Simple Past:   grew
  • Past Participle:    grown
  • Present Participle: growing
  • 3rd Person Singular: grows

Grow verb forms v1 v2 v3 past tense and past participle

Grow past tense


grew is the past tense of the word grow

Grow past participle


grown is the past participle of the word grow

Grow verb forms V1 V2 V3 V4 V5


Past SimplePast ParticiplePresent ParticipleS/es


Grow verb forms V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
Grow verb forms V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

Conjugation of grow

The verb “grow” is conjugated as follows in various tenses and forms:


Present Simple Tense:

– I grow

– You grow

– He/she/it grows

– We grow

– They grow

Grow verb forms V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

Past Simple Tense (V2):

– I grew

– You grew

– He/she/it grew

– We grew

– They grew

Buy Verb Forms – Past Tense, Past Participle

Past Participle (V3):  grown

Present Continuous Tense:

– I am growing

– You are growing

– He/she/it is growing

– We are growing

– They are growing

Past Continuous Tense :

– I was growing

– You were growing

– He/she/it was growing

– We were growing

– They were growing

Present Perfect Tense:

– I have grown

– You have grown

– He/she/it has grown

– We have grown

– They have grown

Past Perfect Tense:

– I had grown

– You had grown

– He/she/it had grown

– We had grown

– They had grown

Future Simple Tense:

– I will grow

– You will grow

– He/she/it will grow

– We will grow

– They will grow

Future Continuous Tense:

– I will be growing

– You will be growing

– He/she/it will be growing

– We will be growing

– They will be growing

Future Perfect Tense:

– I will have grown

– You will have grown

– He/she/it will have grown

– We will have grown

– They will have grown

These are the basic conjugations of the verb “grow” in various tenses and forms. Keep in mind that verb conjugations can vary slightly based on the subject and the specific tense.

To grow – Variation of “Grow” by Person

Present Tense

I growyou growhe/she/it growswe growyou growthey grow

Simple Past Tense

I grew

you grewhe/she/it grewwe grewyou grewthey grew
Present ParticipleI am growingyou are growinghe/she/it is growingwe are growingyou are growing

they are growing

Past ParticipleI/you/we/(s)he/it/they grown

Synonym Words for grow

There are several synonyms for the word “grow,” depending on the context. Here are some synonyms for “grow”

  • Increase
  • Expand
  • Develop.
  • Mature.
  • Blossom
  • Thrive
  • Flourish
  • Multiply
  • Rise:
  • Emerge.
  • Burgeon:
  • Widen.

The antonyms for “grow”

The antonyms for “grow” can vary depending on the context. Here are some common antonyms for “grow”:

  • Shrink
  • Decrease
  • Diminish
  • Reduce
  • Decline
  • Dwindle
  • Contract
  • Wane
  • Stagnate
  • Weaken

Please note that the choice of synonym can depend on the specific context in which you want to use the word “grow.” Each synonym may have nuances and shades of meaning that make it more appropriate in certain situations.

Example Sentences with grow (grown)

 here are some example sentences using the word “grow” and its past participle form “grown”:

  • The plants in the garden have grown taller since last week.
  • She watched her children grow into responsible adults.
  • As the sun rose higher in the sky, the temperature began to grow hotter.
  • His interest in painting has grown over the years, and now he’s a talented artist.
  • The city has grown rapidly in the last decade, with new skyscrapers and developments springing up everywhere.
  • The puppy has grown so much since we first brought him home; he’s no longer a tiny ball of fur.
  • Over time, their friendship has grown stronger, and they’re now like family to each other.
  • The business started as a small local shop but has since grown into a national chain.
  • It’s essential to provide the right conditions for a tree to grow healthy and produce fruit.
  • Her passion for music has grown, and now she’s performing on stage in front of large audiences.

These sentences showcase different contexts in which “grow” and “grown” can be used to describe various forms of growth and development.

Conditional of “grow”

Here are the conditional forms of the verb “grow” in various tenses:

Present Conditional:

– I would grow

– You would grow

– He/she/it would grow

– We would grow

– They would grow

Tree Plantation Paragraph in 200, 300, 400, 500 word for All Classes

Past Conditional:

– I would have grown

– You would have grown

– He/she/it would have grown

– We would have grown

– They would have grown

Please note that the conditional tense is used to express hypothetical situations or actions that are dependent on a condition or circumstance. The past conditional is often used to discuss unrealized or hypothetical actions in the past.

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with the correct form of the verb “grow” (base form, past tense, or past participle).

  • The tomato plants __________ tall and healthy in the garden.
  • Last year, I __________ a lot of vegetables in my backyard.
  • She has always wanted to __________ her own business.
  • The child __________ quickly and is now taller than his classmates.
  • We __________ tired of waiting for the bus to arrive.

Exercise 2: Sentence Transformation

Rewrite the following sentences using the word “grow” in a different form (base form, past tense, or past participle).

  • She is growing her own vegetables in the backyard.

She has __________ her own vegetables in the backyard.

  • The flowers in the garden have grown beautifully.

The flowers in the garden __________ beautifully.

  • He grew tired of waiting for the bus.

He has __________ tired of waiting for the bus.

  • The business has been growing steadily over the past year.

The business __________ steadily over the past year.

  • They are growing a strong network of contacts in the industry.

They have __________ a strong network of contacts in the industry.

Feel free to adapt these exercises to your specific learning needs or create your own variations. Enjoy the practice!



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